From Frowning to Crowning: The Story of an Ordinary Woman

4 min readSep 6, 2020

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Isn’t this quote just phenomenal?

Most of you would simply nod in acceptance and some of you might immediately dive in deep. Well, that’s how we humans are; we think a lot and act very little. But do you think Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison or Jeff Bezos, among other successful personalities, have/had the same perspective towards life? No way!

Success doesn’t just happen; it starts for those who take action. You might disagree with me right now but not by the end of this article. Today, I am not going to talk about the journey of Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg but a 34-year-old woman, named Palak, who had the habit of blaming her luck every time something went wrong until an internship changed her perspective. No, it wasn’t any personality development internship but a digital marketing program by Digital Deepak.

On talking to her about her journey, she said “I experienced a sudden light bulb moment the day I attended the first session of the Digital Deepak Internship Program. I had been on a hamster wheel for major years of my life, simply finding excuses for everything without actually finding solutions. I spent years working with multiple organisations to attain nothing but ‘mid-level’ employee tag. The program taught me that no matter how hard the circumstances are, we have the power to override them. Our circumstances are powerless without our power, and that’s the reason behind my success.”

Today, Palak is not only the boss of her destiny but a successful digital marketing director of one of the most reputed organizations — all thanks to the program that pushed her to dream big. She was amongst those people who are neither aware of their capabilities nor believe in themselves. Her 9–5 routine had set her brain on autopilot to an extent where she had found her comfort zone. But success comes to those who dare to step out of their comfort zone and enter discomfort; it’s only then you realize what you are capable of. Fortunately, Palak did the same by building a positive mindset and most of all dreams. And soon there were fireworks of unwavering dedication, constant hard work and positive attitude to turn those dreams into reality. She believes that “the best things in life don’t come easily, and failing to observe yourself is a sure path to mediocrity.” Well, that’s certainly a statement to die for!

After all the fireworks, what came next was something magical. As she said in one of her interviews “After all the hustle, I could actually taste success, and trust me it’s one of the most scrumptious meals one could have. Think of it as your favourite dish which you can’t resist once you have a bite, and I work day in and out to help everyone taste it.” As of now, her only aim is to ignite that spark in people, especially women, who have lost focus due to their circumstances, background or anything for that matter. She sets her brain on working mode, puts in all the efforts to reach every such individual through her blog “My Vanity” and constantly works on discovering quirky ways to achieve her goal.

The best part is: she didn’t let her profession override her passion of becoming a makeup influencer. Some of you might think how can a person be a digital marketer and a makeup influencer at the same time? Well, I thought the same until she told us how she used her digital marketing skills to create her social media handles and became a sensation among makeup lovers.

Personal Front:

She resides in her ‘always-imagined’ bungalow in New Delhi and preserves a perfect balance between her personal and work life — breaking the barrier of patriarchy proudly. Under the masquerade of an ambitious working woman, is a buoyant girl who loves to travel with her partner and explore the unexplored.

This goes without saying that she is a true inspiration for people who simply keep blaming circumstances without hustling to countermand them. In case you are one of them, look no further and visit her blog for some encouragement and boost.

Last but not least, she ardently believes in “Sometimes, to become successful, we don’t need to add more things but give up on some of them.”

And she definitely gave up her habit of blaming circumstances!

Also: Have a look at one of her pieces from the blog that talks about every women’s favourite makeup product — lipsticks. I am sure you will end up loving it.

